The Drag Club
No body can understand my joy when I say that I'm a Drag Reader.
I am a real champ at reading - which only few fortunate ppl experience...
I read only one (yes only ONE) thin novel in school. Something like The Khazkian trail...abt rhino poaching.
One and half in college (The Blue train by Agatha C and one more which was about some dancing girl and the Taj Mahal.. dont remeber the name... could not complete it any how)
And almost one after college till now (The Goal - Goldratt - i started it at great speed and was dragging and crawling soon... i later asked the ending of the novel from my friend who started after me and finished it in 2 days)
So now you know how unlucky some of you fine readers are by not being the member of The Drag Club..
PS: Recently I have realized that Space and Astronomy interest me a lot. So i'm finishing this thin creation of Stephan Hawking - A brief history of time.. had started it 3 months back... have almost read 30 percent of it. Plan to finish it before this year end.
All the best
In your quest
To finish the rest
Of the book!
I really appreciate your jealous feelings...!!
i don't know you, but i thought a drag reader is someone who dresses up in drag while reading!
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