Websited !!
Well.. this was something I was amazed to see (or rather not to see).
I haven't seen hardly any search on the net that results in the proper use of the word 'Websited'. When I google the word what I get is mostly mistyped words. The word 'Websites' has often been mentioned as 'Websited'. The reason appears simple. The letter 'S' and 'D' are neighbours on the English keyboard. So one ends up pressing the wrong letter sometimes.
But again I wonder that when 'websited' is such an obvious word (at least to me) why hasn't it been used with proper intention and respect so far. The word could mean lot of things.
One use of the word will be when one gets a website from someone else, we can say that the the first person has been websited.
Example - Abhishek was recently websited by the company Huge H who built him
The website that I have mentioned above intentionally is a sleek one. Its been developed on a cigarette pack quite literally. Huge H ( has done a nice compilation here.
But coming back to the original note, I feel if no one takes the responsibility of creating this word then I will quite humbly :) declare my ownership on the usage of this word. All rights reserved.
Anyone who gets a website for herself is 'websited'.
Some years back I had coined another word which I thought was quite innovative - Singtones. Song equivalent of the mobile ringtones. But then after googling I found that the word is being used by some people already. So did not write a post that time :)
Ur the new Ali G! He invented the word "bling" - and you, "websited"!
well.. its a word.. will need suggesstions to make it popular :)
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