Cherishing (what we have) Day
When we look around we see many successful people, lucky people and possibly more happy people. We humans have the sprit to excel over others and improve the surroundings around us. This attittude is very essential and has helped the civilisations grow.
But having said that, how many times do we stop and look around to appreciate what we already have. I am not refering to the daily prayer that some of us say to thank God for what we have. What I mean is genuinely taking time to reflect and relish and what is already with us.
A lot of people, when they fall sick or are in a life threatning situation, start wishing about just getting back to normal. That is when they appreciate more what they had. We do not have to be in a 'situation' to appreciate things / people around us.
We need to take a break from our daily routine, look around and within us. If I was asked, I will call it Cherishing (what we have) Day. Well, the name is not important but the idea is. A day like this will help us stop, reflect and appreciate what we already have and feel good about it.
So what all can we cherish? Absolutely anyone / anything.
Be it our parents, spouse, siblings, friends, the education we had, the fact that we have money to buy food, place to live, clothes to wear.
Since I came up with this idea, Cherishing day will be celebrated on the second Sunday of every October. For 2010, the date is 10th of October.
Hope nobody commercialises this idea by putting new greeting cards and gifts in the shops. But if someone does, I want my royalty.
Labels: celebrate, celebration, cherish, Cherishing Day, oliday, second last sunday in October
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