
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Energy savers

Energy conservation and global warming are among the hottest issues that are being discussed throughout the world (especially the developed regions). 'Save energy' campaign are endorsed by various brands in their adverts. I can recollect Ariel's 'Turn to 30' campaign where they explained to the customers how washing clothes at 30 degree Celsius was as good as washing them at higher temperatures and also saved a lot of energy.

If you look around we have some 'environmentally' aware organisations but others are apparently not that responsible. Walking in the high street of Norwich I noticed that a lot of shops and showrooms leave all their lights on after they have closed for the day. I understand it could be part of their marketing strategy to attract customers with their products and services even after the shops are closed. But then we can have dimmer lights or partially lit showroom. What is the need to leave the entire shop so well lit as during normal hours? The Orange shop, for instance, has done a commendable job in this area. When the shop is closed they switch off their main lights and leave dimmer and apparently lower powered lights on. Serves their purpose of orange color lit shop and saves some energy.

Just a few weeks back there was a study in the UK(by BBC, if I remember correctly) that showed Energy companies in UK which tell the consumers to save electricity and gas are not themselves do not have Eco-friendly infrastructure. The thermal study of their office buildings showed lot of leakage of heat which if stopped properly by better planning and insulation can conserve lot of energy.

So apart from public awareness we also need co-operation and proactive action from commercial entities whether they are big corporates or small shops. That will complete the picture to some extent.

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